
The Importance of Using Hygienic Materials with DHI Transplantations

The Importance of Using Hygienic Materials with DHI Transplantations

Hygiene is a door to health in all areas of our lives. Especially when the field is aesthetic or surgical intervention, hygiene becomes an even more important condition that must be ensured. The importance of using hygienic materials in DHI pen transplantation, which stands for “Direct Hair Implantation”, is indisputable. Because the procedure is done on the scalp in the donor area, thanks to the medical choi pen. Therefore, unhygienic materials to be used in the treated area can cause major health problems. So, what is DHI and how is it done? What are the factors that make the use of hygienic materials so important in DHI pencil planting?

Why Choose Hygienic Materials in DHI Pen Planting?

The importance of hygiene is indisputable in hair transplantation procedures performed with the DHI pen method. This method was developed in 1992 at Kyungpook National University in South Korea. Since it is done with a tool called the Choi pen, a more natural appearance and precise planting are aimed. Planting with this technique has numerous benefits. It stands out especially with the low risk of infection during transplantation. Because there is no need to open channels for sowing. This situation highlights the importance of using hygienic materials in DHI hair transplantation.

The reason why this tool, also known as Choi, is called a pen is because it looks like a pen. It has a pointed tip at the front and a micromotor at the back. In this way, it transplants a large number of hair follicles in a very short time. Thus, the risk of infection is much less than with extracted hair transplantation techniques. In short, this technique is a hair technique that is done without the need to touch. Therefore, it involves less risk and the recovery time is reduced.

What is DHI Pen Transplantation?

Today, the most commonly used hair transplant techniques are FUE and DHI. What makes DHI pen transplantation different from FUE hair transplantation is primarily the technique and materials. In the FUE hair transplantation technique, after the hair follicles are collected from the donor area, they are planted in the holes opened in the area to be transplanted. Hair follicles transferred one by one are transferred with steel-tipped instruments. The procedure with this hair technique takes approximately 7-8 hours. In DHI pen transplantation, hair follicles taken from the donor area are transferred with the help of a pen called choi pen. However, the incisions where the hair follicles will be placed during the transfer do not need to be made with a separate process beforehand. Because this pen performs both drilling and root placement in one go. Therefore, the use of hygienic materials in DHI hair transplantation is a situation that requires maximum care.

Also known as the “choi technique”, the pen-like tool used in the DHI pencil planting process takes the lead. This pen, which is sharp-tipped, cylindrical and thin, is designed in the same way as a hair follicle channel. In this way, the hair follicles are placed in the needle when they are advanced along the canal. Then, an incision is made and these follicles are placed in the area to be planted in one move. Thus, compared to the FUE technique, the procedure is performed in a shorter time and contains less risk of complications.

Advantages of DHI Pen Transplantation

DHI pencil transplantation, which is an innovative hair transplantation technique, is an application that has been on the rise recently. First of all, this technique is completed in a relatively short time compared to other hair transplantation applications. In addition, what makes this technique so popular is that the hair follicles stay outside the tissue at a minimal level. Therefore, the chance of clinging to the planted area increases, that is, it increases the success of the procedure.

There are many criteria that affect the result of hair transplantation. However, there is one that we can say is the most important. This is the use of hygienic materials in DHI pencil planting. In this way, risk-free, natural looking and high success rate hair transplantation can be performed. In addition, there are many advantages that distinguish DHI pencil cultivation from others. Knowing these is a useful approach to understand why they are preferred. Here are the advantages of DHI pen planting:

  • Thanks to the fine tip of the DHI pen, the transfer process is carried out faster and more intensively.
  • The natural growth direction of the hair is determined by this pen when the transplantation is done.
  • Thanks to this pen, an incision is not required in the area to be transplanted. Therefore, there is no need for stitches after hair transplantation.
  • Since there is no incision or stitching, the healing process is shorter in the transplanted hair area. However, at this point, the use of hygienic materials in DHI hair transplantation is very important.
  • The adhesion rate of the follicles transferred to the hair transplant area is much higher than other techniques.
  • Since hair follicles are not kept waiting to open a hole, cell division continues from where it left off. In this respect, the percentage of adhesion increases again.
  • Since no incisions and stitches are made in the transplanted area, less pain and pain is felt during the healing process. In addition, permanent and visible scars do not occur.
  • Due to the practicality of the procedure, it is applied with local anesthesia. Therefore, there are no general anesthesia-related complaints and disruptions in daily life.
  • The front hair density and line of the transplanted person can be designed more conveniently. This means an increase in natural appearance.
  • Unshaven transplantation is possible.

These DHI pen planting advantages are only provided by an expert practitioner. Because an expert practitioner in this field has all the details of this technique. In addition, experts in this field show maximum care in the use of hygienic materials in DHI pencil planting. They also know that in cases where the hygiene of the materials is not ensured, it will pose great risks to both their own image and the health of the patient.

Disadvantages of DHI Hair Transplantation

Each application and technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. Especially when applied by those who do not know the details of new techniques at first, they present serious disadvantages. However, with the widespread use of the application and the increase in the experience of the practitioners, these disadvantages often turn into advantages. In addition, it is generally preferred to compare the pros and cons in the selection of a technique and, if the advantages are high, to have it done.

If hygienic materials are used in DHI hair transplantation, the risk of risk and complications is generally low. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist at all. As it is known, every application involves various risks, albeit small ones. The known disadvantages of DHI pen planting are:

  • First of all, due to the fact that it is new compared to other techniques, the number of professional experts and teams in this field is low.
  • It is more expensive than other techniques.
  • People who will do hair transplantation with this method should be more careful.
  • Maximum care should be taken in the use of hygienic materials, especially in DHI hair transplantation. Otherwise, undesirable results will occur.
  • When applied by people who do not have enough experience, DHI pen tips have a high risk of damaging other hair follicles.
  • Not suitable for very curly hair.
  • Only 3500-4000 grafts are taken.

These DHI hair transplantation disadvantages can be minimized by a competent specialist. In addition, although the high cost is a deterrent for those who will decide initially, it should not be viewed from a narrow perspective. The fact that the risk of complications is low, the procedure is fast, and the recovery period is very short has made the procedure preferred by many people today. In addition, increasing the chance of attachment of hair follicles also erases its disadvantages. If you want to have a hair transplant, you can get help from a specialist who is aware of the importance of using hygienic materials in DHI hair transplantation. In this w\ay, you can achieve the look you want with minimum risk.

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