ToggleBrazilian Butt Lift
Aesthetic concerns are increasing day by day. For this reason, a new aesthetic operation emerges every day. The most talked about and preferred process of recent times is the Brazilian Butt Lift or in other words Brazilian Butt Aesthetic. The main purpose of this application is to correct the appearance of the sagging or misshapen buttocks are by shaping. It includes different methods and techniques.
What Is Brazilian Butt Lift?
Today, with the development of technology, if there is a point on our body that we do not like, we can remove it with aesthetic operation. Furthermore, this has become valid not only for the face, but also for many parts of the body. And buttocks are one of these points. A very popular application has been signed in this field in recent years. That’s the Brazilian Butt Lift. The operation has become the first choice of many people from the moment it emerged. The popular application basically creates more fullness in the hip area. The aim of the operation is to create a more voluminous and natural-looking buttock. In addition, it is desirable to achieve a youthful appearance on the butt. With Brazilian butt aesthetics, the butt is tightened and it gets a more upright, raised and voluminous appearance. In this way, the folds between the waist and the hip become prominent. The operation generally includes fat transfer. With liposuction, excess fat is removed from the abdomen, waist, hips or thighs. It is then injected into the buttock. However, this is only the most preferred and applied method. Unlike this Brazilian butt lift, it contains 2 more techniques and procedures. This gives options to people who will have the operation.
How to Do Brazilian Butt Lift?
The operation generally includes an easy and fast process. There are different processes depending on the technique to be applied. The operation consists of three techniques in total. The desired technique is preferred and applied. It is an operation performed with fat injection, silicone buttock prosthesis and filling techniques.
Buttock Aesthetics with Fat Injection
The most preferred application for the operation is butt aesthetics with fat injection. One of the Brazilian butt lift techniques, the procedure is famous for creating very natural results. One of the biggest advantages of this technique is that the fat that is dense in different parts of the body is removed and added to the hip part. Therefore, the technique includes two stages. In the first stage, fat is removed from different predetermined areas using the method called Liposuction. In the second stage of the procedure, the removed fat is applied to the buttock. However, the fat should be injected with the right procedures.
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. It is a technique that takes approximately 1.5 hours. Usually, an overnight stay in the hospital is necessary. It is mandatory to use a special corset for 2 weeks after the operation. After this procedure, people can return to their daily life within 3 days.
Buttock Aesthetics with Silicone Prosthesis
It is a second technique applied for aesthetic Brazilian butt lift with silicone prosthesis. The operation, which is performed with prosthesis insertion, is performed under general anesthesia. The procedure involves a surgical process of approximately 3 hours. For this, first of all, incisions are made from the coccyx. Then, silicone prostheses specially produced for this procedure are placed. Silicone prostheses are placed in special pockets prepared in the butt muscle.
After the procedure, the person can stand up within 24 hours. However, it is not immediately possible to carry out the sit-in action completely and without any problems. This is a fairly normal process. The person returns to his daily life one week after the operation.
Butt Shaping with Filling Method
There are fillers specially prepared for each part of the body. It is very easy to beautify with these fillings. It is widely used in many aesthetic operations. This method is also applied in order to plump and shape the butt area.
This method is used together with the fat injection technique. In this way, it becomes possible to have more shaped and fuller hips. It is a preferred technique for better efficiency in Brazilian butt lift operations. It gives successful results when applied.
Who is a Brazilian Butt Lift Suitable for?
Brazilian butt operation is an excellent method to improve the shape of the buttocks. However, it would not be correct to say that every person is suitable for this operation. Although it is an operation which is applied to many people, there are some criteria. It is not right for everyone to do it.
The operation is extremely suitable for both men and women. People who have sagging on the butt caused by rapid weight gain and loss can apply for Brazilian butt lift operation. In addition, people who want to eliminate the appearance of cellulite and pits on the butt also benefit from this operation. It is suitable for people who do not have any health problems and do not think about pregnancy. The patients must be over 18 years old.
If your lower body curves are much narrower and your hips are flat, you may prefer this procedure. It is also a good option if you want to get rid of your oily areas. Most importantly, if you want a full, raised, shaped and aesthetic butt, you can have the operation.
Pros of Brazilian Butt Lift Operation
As a result of the operation, you will get an aesthetic appearance on your butt. In addition, there will be positive formations in other parts of your body. It is possible to have proportional and curved body lines with Brazilian butt lift. It will also allow you to have much younger and fuller hips.
Cons of Brazilian Butt Lift
As in every operation, there are some negative aspects in Brazilian butt lift operation. However, these are much less than the advantages it provides. The most effective, natural and correct technique for this operation is the application with fat injection. In this direction, if you want to benefit from the technique of butt aesthetics with fat injection for the operation, you should have sufficient fat stock in your body. Because it is possible that the fat stock in your body is not enough to provide the fullness required for your hips.
At the end of the operation, there is a possibility that the fat placed on the hip will be reabsorbed by the body. In this case, an additional operation is required. However, the transferred fat cells usually remain in the hip for years. In addition, weight gain and loss after the procedure will affect the appearance of the buttocks. Therefore, you will have to maintain constant weight control, which is quite difficult. This is an element that puts the Brazilian butt lift operation in a disadvantageous position.
Risks of Brazilian Butt Lift Operation
There are usually very few serious risks in body shaping operations. Moreover, the satisfaction rate after the operations is quite high. However, as with any operation, there are risks for Brazilian butt lift. Anesthesia reaction, blood and fluid accumulation under the skin, infection and bleeding are the most known risks. Also, changes in skin feel may occur and scarring may be permanent.
Lumps are possible in the areas where the oil was injected. The formation of various damages in the lower layers of the skin is also among the risks. In addition, there is a possibility that the results will not be satisfactory enough. The most important risk is fat embolism, which can have fatal consequences in the heart or lungs. As a result of Brazilian butt lift operation, it is possible to encounter all these risks, but they are low.