Nose Aesthetics

Nose Aesthetics

Aesthetic surgeries have become very popular especially in recent years. With the development of technology in medicine, importance is given to lip and nose aesthetics, especially in the face area.

Nowadays, many people undergo rhinoplasty to look beautiful. The nose is one of the important organs that men and women care about to look beautiful. Some people’s nose, cartilage and bone structure are misshapen. This formlessness can be repulsive to the person himself. For this reason, some people may feel the need to have rhinoplasty surgery.


Today, women or men undergo rhinoplasty for many reasons. While people generally feel the need to have surgery for aesthetic concerns, this situation can sometimes change. Many people undergo surgery for health reasons. We can say that the flesh of the nose is among the most important reasons for this. Nasal meat prevents the person from breathing comfortably. This naturally affects the quality of life of the person negatively. Therefore, in some cases, people can have nose surgery for essential reasons.

What is Nose Aesthetics?

Nose aesthetic surgery is the reshaping of the bone and cartilage tissue of the nose to gain a new appearance. This surgery is also called rhinoplasty in medical language. The operation performed here corrects the appearance and dysfunction. Therefore, this surgery is not just a treatment for appearance disorder. At the same time, it is bringing the nose to a state where it can fulfill its functions.

Nose meat prevents the person from breathing comfortably, which impairs the person’s quality of life. For this reason, rhinoplasty surgery is an effective method in cases of respiratory difficulties.

Nose aesthetic surgery is also seen in the form of correction of some birth defects. Again, individuals undergo surgery due to the malaise and deformity of the nose as a result of an accident.

Why is Nose Aesthetic Surgery Performed?

 In fact, people undergo plastic surgery for many reasons. When it comes to aesthetics, many people think only of appearance. However, plastic surgery also eliminates many health problems. In other words, people can perform rhinoplasty surgeries due to preference as well as for compulsory reasons.

You can have this surgery for more than one reason. We can briefly list them as follows:

Congenital Causes
People have some physical characteristics from birth. These features can negatively affect a person’s life. We can collect problems such as nasal bone curvature and nasal flesh collection under this title. These structural problems cause aesthetic concerns as well as health problems.

External Factors

Tissue damage and bone fracture as a result of traffic accidents or falls are external factors. As a result of unfortunate events, damages and curvatures occur in the nasal bone. Because of these deformities, people may want to have rhinoplasty surgery.

Structural Defects in the Nose

Problems such as bone curvature may occur later in the nose. Because of this, you are likely to experience problems such as collecting meat in the nose or snoring. Especially people who have problems with snoring while sleeping often prefer to have plastic surgery. Because snoring negatively affects the sleep quality of the person, which leads to physical health problems such as breathing difficulties.

Aesthetic Concerns

Some people are dissatisfied with their physical characteristics and want to have surgery. These include rhinoplasty surgery. People who are not satisfied with the shape of their nose may want to have surgery for aesthetic concerns. These deformities appear as nasal bone curvature, pointed nose, and flat nose structure.

How is Nose Aesthetic Surgery Performed?

The nose area is an important area that mostly affects the facial appearance of the person. The operations to be performed here are very important in terms of aesthetic appearance. For this reason, this operation should be performed by specialist surgeons who are competent in their job.

In nose surgery, the individual should clearly express what he or she wants to the doctor. Otherwise, it is among the problems that the person is likely to encounter with undesirable results.

Again, in these surgeries, side effects should be calculated very well. Otherwise, you may encounter unpleasant consequences. For this reason, individuals should definitely do general fitness checks before surgery.

In these surgeries, doctors apply general anesthesia as well. He rarely uses local anesthesia. Nose surgeries are generally of two types:

Open Surgery

In open nose surgery, an incision is usually made between the two nostrils. Here, it is aimed to observe the internal structures of the nose more easily. These surgeries are generally preferred by individuals to correct large-scale deformities. As a result, this type of surgery is very important in terms of obtaining permanent and accurate results. Since the incisions are deep in this type of surgery, the healing process is long. In order to get through the healing process in the healthiest way, you should definitely pay attention to the recommendations of your doctor.

Closed Surgery

Closed surgeries are generally superficial surgeries with a short recovery time. In this type of surgery, minor changes are made to the nose. In this way, simple deformities are eliminated. In this closed method, the nasal tissue is treated faster. This method is often preferred because the risk of infection is less than the other.

Possible Risks of Nose Aesthetic Surgery

Nose surgery has some benefits as well as some risks. These risks include difficulty in breathing, numbness in the nose, postoperative pain, swelling and scarring.

Potential risks should be discussed by the doctor and the patient before undergoing rhinoplasty. Some preliminary tests should be done about this surgery. As every operation carries a risk, nose surgeries also have possible risks.

Crusting, bleeding, dryness and discoloration are also among the possible risks. Individuals should review these risks before having surgery. The person should make the final decision by considering these risks. Of course, the incidence of these risks is very low. You can get through the process in the best way, especially with the procedures you will do under the control of a specialist doctor.

What You Need to Do Before Surgery

Before the operation, the past health problems of the individual should be investigated by a specialist physician. Is the individual willing to have this surgery? Or did he make this decision under pressure from someone? The doctor who will perform the surgery should definitely consider the patient’s thoughts on this issue. Therefore, the specialist doctor should determine the motivational factors that push the individual to this surgery.

Afterwards, the person should analyze their expectations from this surgery. They should share these expectations with the doctor. As a result, the doctor will take action in line with these expectations.

At this moment the doctor should tell the patient about the gains and losses after this surgery again. The person should have surgery by taking this into consideration.

Again, before the operation, the doctor should perform many laboratory tests on the patient. However, it should also analyze whether the patient’s nose is structurally suitable for surgery.

What To Do After Surgery

People should take the necessary health precautions after having a rhinoplasty. As important as the actions taken before the surgery, they are also important after the surgery.

Recovery time after surgery takes up to 7 days. The doctor can tape a splint to the nose if needed. After the operation, the person should rest with the head above the chest. In this way, you will not encounter bleeding and swelling. In addition, a piece of gauze should be gently attached to the nose with tape to stop any possible bleeding.

Apart from this, the person should avoid making sudden movements. He should not do sports for a certain period of time. The person should avoid taking a bath and sudden facial movements for a certain period of time. Soft movements should be preferred when brushing teeth. Again, the person should avoid the use of glasses after the surgery. He should not put an ice pack on his nose and should rest for at least 1 week.

As a result, the person should consider the benefits and risks of rhinoplasty surgery. Pre-operative requirements and precautions should be well analyzed by a specialist doctor.



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